Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Don’t vote; Organize

Don’t vote; Organize

Christian Vasquez, Copy Editor October 27, 2016

There is a phrase that gets tossed around: “If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain.” But what if I don’t like the candidates? Or if I think the president’s office has too much power? Not voting can be just as great a political statement...

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Clinton: Bought and Bossed

Clinton: Bought and Bossed

Christian Vasquez, Copy Editor October 27, 2016

It’s 14 days before we know whether the world ends as we know it, or if we’re going to war. Common sense tells us that if you don’t know everything the presidential candidates stand for, stand against and ate for breakfast then you are doing it...

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PSL: Pumpkin spice for life

PSL: Pumpkin spice for life

Eric Vasquez, Entertainment Editor October 18, 2016

It started with a sniff. A whiff of a department store candle sometime between my search for a peacoat and a beanie that wouldn’t make me look like an old-timey burglar or an elf really into Fleet Foxes. It was different, a scent of something else...

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Irony at its finest

Irony at its finest

Rene Delgadillo, Layout Editor September 27, 2016

We as Mexicans and Hispanics complain about Trump’s idea of building a wall. We defend our flag and our people, and we expose all the injustices that our people suffer as a minority in the U.S. We speak with pride about our people and culture, without...

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Career: just another dirty ‘C’ word

Career: just another dirty ‘C’ word

Eric Vasquez, Entertainment Editor September 20, 2016

If I didn’t have to say the word career any more times in my life I could die happy. In fact, the only career I would like to have is a long career of not having one. There’s something about the word, maybe it’s the “car,” maybe it’s the “reer,”...

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One City. One Team. At What Cost?

One City. One Team. At What Cost?

Jason Green September 17, 2016

  After all of the pomp and circumstance had settled down, the flyover was done and all of the dignitaries had settled into their suites, it was time to finally play the most advertised game in the 2016 season of UTEP football against the Army...

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¿Es que acaso soy hispana?

Grecia Sanchez, Staff Reporter September 13, 2016

Defining  identity at an adolescent age can be a challenge, especially to those who are constantly interacting with a different culture than their own. I was born and raised in Ciudad Juàrez, Mexico. My first language is Spanish and my only label in...

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Finding your own identity

Shericka Lawrence, Staff Reporter September 13, 2016

Every day people struggle with how to identify   themselves when it comes to race or ethnicity. Living in the El Paso community, I have heard many people as well as students ask the vital question, am I Chicano(a), or Latino(a)? Some identify as Mexican-American...

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Can UTEP saw off the Horns?

Can UTEP saw off the Horns?

Adrian Broaddus, Sports Editor September 7, 2016

Short answer: There is a slight chance, but it would not surprise me. Long answer: the Miners raised eyebrows after their 38-22 victory over NMSU; therefore, this assertion on an upset can possibly be made. Below is my top five keys to the Miners standing...

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Kaepernick takes a stand and sits down

Kaepernick takes a stand and sits down

Jason Green, Staff Reporter August 31, 2016

  San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick made headlines recently by staying seated during the “Star Spangled Banner” prior to a preseason football game. Following the game, Kaepernick told that he is doing this in protest...

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From the other side

Eric Vasquez, Entertainment Editor August 30, 2016

I was a college football equipment manager and I didn’t even like football. Really, I’ve only seen “Friday Night Lights” once on TNT and didn’t see the end because I forgot to go back after the commercial break. I can’t name you five professional...

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Why the Trump train wont stop come November

Why the Trump train won’t stop come November

Christian Vasquez, Copy Editor August 12, 2016

We have 87 days until we vote for the most powerful person in the world. Trump’s polls rise and fall depending on whether he acts like an adult, or calls someone a loser. Meanwhile, Hillary presents herself as the anti-Trump and hopes the Trump train...

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