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  • Happy Valentine's Day Miners!! ⛏️ 💖
  • Happy Valentine's Day Miners!! ⛏️ 💖
  • Happy Valentine's Day Miners!! ⛏️ 💖
Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Ben Lipitz (Pumbaa) and Shacura Wade(Ensemble) taught the kids how to dance a sequence inspired by the Lion Kings' musical number, "He Lives in You," on Wednesday, June 6 at the Stayton Theatre.

Disney’s ‘The Lion King’ cast members teach local children how to stay healthy

Elenie Gonzalez, Web Editor June 7, 2018

Cast members of the hit Broadway show Disney’s “The Lion King” held a special wellness workshop for children of military families at the Stayton Theater in Ft. Bliss military base on Wednesday, June 6. The show, which is currently touring in...

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The Lion King