Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is observed every third Monday in January, and El Paso’s National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) “Read and Ride” is just one of the many ways the city celebrates. Tephanie Hopper, communication chair for El Paso’s NAACP chapter, believes events like this are imperative to education about Black history.
“Black history is everyone’s history. We need to know our history, and especially right now with how things are happening in our world,” Hopper said. “I want to make sure that everyone knows, from the smallest to the oldest, about our Black history. My goal is to bring education and awareness about Black people and Black history throughout our country.”
As our nation continues to divide over issues regarding race, class and policy, reflecting on Dr. King’s legacy of activism and community service is one way Hopper and the NAACP attempt to mitigate this division.
“We’re not just for Black and brown people. We’re about social justice and voting rights, as well as fighting discrimination in the education system,” Hopper said. “We have advocated for some of the NAACP members, against discrimination, for federal employees, in schools [and] in our housing department. I think it’s just about bringing awareness that we are here.”
Hopper has extensive experience in advocating for minority communities, formerly serving the Colorado Springs Space Force as the Diversity and Inclusion Specialist. Her connection to Colorado Springs’ NAACP led Hopper to work for El Paso’s very own chapter.
As an El Paso resident for over 30 years, Hopper notes that Martin Luther King, Jr. Day has been a continual celebration in her family.
“I always celebrate Martin Luther King [Jr.] Day. I have two kids, and they are adults now, but what we used to do for Martin Luther King [Jr.] Day is we used to serve the community. I like to reflect on it by serving the community, reading, planning, helping the homeless and things like that.” Hopper said.

Students can lend a hand to Hopper and the NAACP chapter in various ways, as they offer volunteer opportunities in different areas of the chapter and are always looking for new members.
“[Students] can be a part of our communications team, on the education committee, the young adult committee, or [the housing] committee. There’s so many different aspects of how they can get involved. Even if it’s behind the scenes work or coming to the meetings, being advocates and letting people know what NAACP can do for them.” Hopper said.
The community’s support is crucial to the NAACP’s presence in our city. Events like the “Read and Ride” bring awareness to their existence, as well as the existence of Black people in our community and specific experiences they may have. Another “Read and Ride” event will be held on Feb. 8, with readings from the NAACP’s Young Adult Chair Sierra Archibald.
The organization is also partnering with El Paso Public Libraries, where readings will be held four times throughout the month. Hopper and other members of the chapter will be reading on Feb. 1, 4, 15 and 18 at various public libraries throughout the city. Hopper hopes that through outreach and education, the community will gain understanding about Black culture and history.
Leah Austin is staff reporter at The Prospector and may be reached at [email protected]