Dressing to impress is an important factor in everyday life, and dressing up earns respect from everyone around, including professors, bosses, your peers and even yourself.
The just roll out of bed, basketball shorts-wearing look does no justice for someone who is trying to better their life every time they get up. Dressing up can affect how serious people are taken and how serious their words come across. Some people actually believe the person who dresses to impress knows what they are talking about and are more likely to be viewed as leaders, because the way a person decides to dress is an inside peek to their inner-self.
Celebrities such as David Beckham, Conor McGregor and Bradley Cooper are some of the most successful people in their professions and they dress to show who they are. The same goes for women celebrities such as Beyoncé and Kendall Jenner.
Needing to wear the most popular and expensive brands is not the point I’m trying to get across. It’s about the effort that should be put into your appearance to the world, and that also comes along with personal hygiene and looking the best version of yourself every time you step out the door. First impressions are everything, and nothing is harder than trying to change someone’s first thoughts about you. You just never know who will come across your path any day of the week; might as well be ready for anything.
It’s not difficult to look nice. Wear clothes that fit, do not wear worn out or torn clothing, match daily outfits, dress for the weather, dress for the occasion, don’t wear the same clothes every day and don’t over wear sandals. Waking up 30 minutes earlier than usual to accomplish looking and feeling good will do more good than harm any day of the week.
Imagine if people with jobs or high-end positions anywhere were to sport the slacker “who cares” look, customers or people getting serviced would much rather choose to be helped by the person who took the time out of their day to strive for better looks.
School can be considered everyone’s daily job at UTEP, because everyone comes to school to better their future, so why shouldn’t students dress like every day matters?
Future bosses and business owners are out there at every corner, and it is just human nature to judge based on appearances. Our brains take less than a minute to form what we think of someone, and most of the times it could lead to never being able to meet that person who could kick-start what you’re looking for in life. Wardrobe choices seem to be the smallest of factors, but in reality it means more than you know.