Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Assayer of Student Opinion.

The Prospector

Photo by Noah Sarabia
Mark Lewis, spokesperson for Lockheed Martin, stands in the Undergraduate Learning Center in front of the challenge box, which offers students a series of questions. The fourth question is the most difficult, which offers a prize of a letter of intent for hire by the company.

Lockheed Martin presents ‘job interview in a box’ on campus through Wednesday

February 18, 2019

By Noah Sarabia The Prospector Lockheed Martin hosted a challenge to UTEP students on the first floor of the Undergraduate Learning Center Monday, Feb. 18. The top prize is a letter of intent for hire by the company. The challenge consisted of...

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UTEP professor Jose Hurtado is on NASA’s shortlist for space travel. He has potentially years of training to complete before being selected.

UTEP professor gets closer to exploring the universe

Rene Delgadillo, Layout Editor September 6, 2016

Flying to the moon and Mars are impossible dreams for many, but for Jose Hurtado, a UTEP professor of geological sciences, his dreams may come true. Hurtado is in the semifinal round to join NASA’s astronaut corps, where he hopes to accomplish one...

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John Holdren, director of White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, says at the International Space Exploration Forum on Thursday that the United States encourages all countries to contribute to and support the expansion of space exploration, including the International Space Station.

Nations letting go of competition to collaborate in space exploration

Alejandro Alba, Scripps Howard Foundation Wire Reporter January 9, 2014

Washington – Collaboration is the best way to continue to explore space. That’s what representatives from 35 nation’s space agencies said at a meeting Thursday at the State Department. But first, they will have to let go of competition and bragging...

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